Introducing The Colorado

A new book from Christa Sadler ©2018 (Second Edition, 2021)

Published by This Earth Press


The Colorado has carved through canyons, cultures and centuries. Here are nine chapters in its fast-flowing journey…

The Colorado examines nine episodes in the history of our interaction with the Colorado River, from early prehistoric cultures to the Spanish explorations of the lower reaches of the river, the dam building frenzy of the early and middle 20th century, industrial agriculture and the current use of water throughout the region. This beautiful book combines current information, maps, and policy discussion in a stunning format that highlights the beauty and the grandeur of the river and its story. Designed as a companion volume to the film of the same name ( - still in the film festival circuit), the book nonetheless stands completely alone and provides important history and context to one of the country’s most important—and most endangered—watersheds. This is an important book for all those who know and love the Colorado River, or who would like to learn more about this extraordinary region.

• ISBN: 978-0-692-98250-1
• Cloth, 13” x 10”
• 270 pp, with more than 400 illustrations, including historic and current photos, charts, graphs, and maps
• $40 retail + $7.00 shipping

Please order directly from This Earth Press:

P.O. Box 22130
Flagstaff, AZ 86002
(928) 380-5538

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The Colorado Table of Contents:

1. BEGINNINGS: The Colorado River Watershed and Prehistoric Peoples

2. A PADRE, A HORSE, A TELESCOPE: Eusebio Francisco Kino and the Land and Peoples of the Lower Colorado River

3. AN UNKNOWN DISTANCE YET TO RUN: John Wesley Powell and an Understanding of the American West

4. SHIMMERING DESERT: The Salton Sea and the Birth of Western Water Issues

• The Law of the River—The Fight for the West’s Most Precious Resource

5. THE COLOSSUS: Hoover Dam and the Beginning of the Dam Building Era

6. CATHEDRALS IN THE DESERT: Glen Canyon Dam and the Waterscape of the New Southwest

7. EL CORRIDO DE JOE R.: Industrial Agriculture in the Land of the Colorado River

8. WELCOME TO THE ANTHROPOCENE: The Colorado River Basin and the Reality of Climate Change

9. PALETTE OF A NEW CREATION: Hope and Vision on the Colorado River Delta


“This book offers a wonderful, wide-angle view of the centuries in which the Colorado has shaped our lives. The river has much to teach us about managing an uncertain future here in the Southwest.”

Bruce Babbitt, former United States Secretary of the Interior


“ A great river is always more than just a river. It runs, not just through space and time, but through hearts, minds, and cultures. Read this book to ride the wild waters of the Colorado River into the essence of the American Southwest.”

William DeBuys, author of Salt Dreams, A Great Aridness, and


"The book is a great value, and wonderfully crafted. The historical perspective is eye opening..."

Dr. Patrick J. Burns, Dean of Libraries, Colorado State University